President’s Message to the CARMA Membership

July, 2024


CARMA President - Terry Ricks

Dear CARMA Members and other Honorable Conservative Gentlemen;

Please join us and bring your friends to our monthly CARMA luncheons and events.  CARMA is growing along with the W-JCC Republican Committee and our other local Republican clubs.  We have great luncheons with speakers on various topics: local, state and national politics, Virginia history, local government operations, technology and lots of humor.  Our local office holders and candidates are always on our schedule.

The previous CARMA luncheon was on Thursday, June 20th with Scott Stevens.  He is the chief JCC Administrator (very sharp) and he discussed the county’s activities, new projects, and increasing budgets. Our July 18th speaker is Sarah Ortego, Chairwoman of the WJCC School Board.  The school board is a tense group and actions are often controversial, so her presentation and answers should be interesting.  Invite your friends.  Questions are encouraged.  Congressman Wittman will be our August 15 speaker.  He is such a Champ!

The CARMA Happy Hours at the Colonial Heritage Bar,  Oceans & Ale and Billsburg Brewery have been fun.  Our last one was at Oceans & Ale on June 29th and the day was perfect. There are usually six to twelve participants We are looking for more attendees, organizers and locations.  Contact me  to attend and we will schedule another.
I hope you all have sent donation checks to Michael Brown for his Bundling Project.  If not contact Treasurer Brown 757-293-8618 or me today!  Michael will update us on Thursday July 18th.  Speaking of donations, I would like to hear the conversations of Brandon donors after his recent televised debate with President Trump.
These CARMA members deserve a round of snaps for their great mission efforts:  Spalthoff (website), Smith (Honor Flights), Mains (Facebook, LTEs, Magic Shows), Zabinski (J6ers), Glass (Lions), Holroyd (York BOS), Everson (Planning Comm), Brittain (WJCCRC), Irish (Kiwanis) and Hosang (School Board).  If you know about other great efforts, email me. By the way, the NAACP has called for Mike Hosang’s dismissal. Note to the NAACP - the Stonehouse voters elected Mike, not the NAACP. You get your SB members by appointment.

Developments and Observations:  Biden’s debate performance with Trump should sink his campaign, but about half the adult population receives gov’t checks so they vote for the socialists to maintain the cashflow.
There is a new Iwo Jima Memorial at a private park at the corner of Jamestown Rd and Neck-O-Land Road.  It is large about 12 feet high and 20 feet long, all metal.  Cost about $250,000 donations.  It is super.  Go see it.

Mike Lindell, the Pillow Guy, Judicial Watch and Heritage Foundation are working hard on election integrity programs and lawsuits against many corrupt and apathetic government officials.  These programs require lots of money and lawyers. See their website and reports for evidence that is usually suppressed. Research/Donate.

The Virginia Gazette continues to print LTEs from uninformed/misinformed liberals and the League of Women Voters (always claiming to be neutral) advising us to vote for Biden for better and more honest government.  God help us.

I cheer for the recent SCOTUS Presidential Immunity ruling that will help Trump fight all the law suits against him.  Unfortunately, Biden will benefit also.  SCOTUS also weakened the executive agencies by changing the old Chevron ruling so that judges can rule against aggressive agency actions that are out of bounds. Study them.

I hope Gov. Youngkin’s legislation to restrict student phone use during school is successful. Big challenge.

Future Events  There are many campaigning opportunities to help President Trump, Congressman Wittman, Hung Cao and others.   If you want to volunteer, contact me and I will contact Sue Sadler and/or the campaign managers for our area.  Thanks to all who are working the polls.  VOTE on Tuesday, November 5th Presidential General Election Day.  Early voting is available for each election.  It is time for Senator Tim Kaine to go.

  Terry Ricks,  CARMA President

Updated - 07/13/24